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Corporate funds cannot be accepted. We can only accept personal, LLC or LLP funds. Please make checks payable to “Western Energy Alliance PAC” or complete the credit card information below. Paying by check enables us to maximize your gift by avoiding credit card charges. Donation By Mail: Please print the contribution form and mail in along with your contribution to: Western Energy Alliance PAC 1660 Lincoln St., Suite 2175 Denver, CO 80264 Donations Online: Please submit the form below with payment to contribute to the Western Energy Alliance PAC. Contributions are voluntary and will be used for political purposes; they are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. The maximum contribution is $5,000 per calendar year. Federal law requires us to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited.